
In May 2024, WEI Xin joined our team under PolyU Presidential PhD Fellowship Scheme PPPFS. Warm welcome!

In April 2024, XIE Yuying successfully advanced to candidacy. Congrats to Yuying!

A comprensive review paper of spatial solar forecasting using deep learning techniques is published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy …

In April 2024, a final year project supervised by Prof. Li wins Championship of HKIE Best Final-Year Environmental Project 2024. …

In Decmeber 2023, CHEN Shanlin sucessfully passed the oral examination and was awarded the Ph.D. degree. Congratulations to Dr. Chen!

In November 2023, DENG Nan won 2nd Runner-Up in the 8th ME Research Presentation. Congratulations!

In Aug 2023, JING Tao and CHANG Haoran joined our team. Warm welcome!

In June 2023, LIANG Zhaojian won both 1st Runner-Up and People’s Choice Award in the 3rd FENG Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) …

In March 2023, LIANG Zhaojian successfully advanced to candidacy. Congrats to Zhaojian!

In Mar 2023, Peixin, Shanlin and Zhaojian attended APS March Meeting held in Las vegas, Nevada, United States. Each of them gave an …